Episode 71 - Daily Practice and Routines

Episode 71 - Daily Practice and Routines

Find Witch Cast with Julia and Elana here!

Daily Practice and Creating a Routine
One big question we get asked is how to incorporate witchcraft into the every day, and how to craft routines around your witchcraft. Especially when you’re starting out, magic feels like this very fun thing you want to use all day every day. Remember, not everything has to be ceremonial magic and complicated ritual. It would be nearly impossible to not only have the time but the energy to do a working like that every single day.
Use this acronym to create a 30 min to 1 hour daily routine:
M - meditation (general or related to something you’re going through)
A - affirmations (I am statements)
G - grounding (cleanse toxins and negativity; be in the moment)
I - inquire (use divination to ask questions and see what the universe has to say)
C - check in (with deities, spirits)
General Tips:
  • Get out in nature, bring nature inside
  • Respect your body
  • Spend time in the kitchen
  • Check our lazy witchcraft episode (everything from carrying crystals to wearing certain colors)
  • Morning beverage routine. I always have coffee and I have a coffee spell up on Patreon. It’s very easy to add in a little cinnamon and stir in some intention. When I have more time, I also do a cacao ceremony a little later in my morning.
  • Glamour magic through makeup.
  • Something related to this podcast. I do something every single day related to this podcast - making episode outlines, posting to patreon, instagram, and the website, recording and posting YouTube videos, answering questions. It’s not exactly witchcraft in the traditional sense but it does keep me studying and keep my practice at the forefront of my mind. Finding my path and then sharing that and teaching others is part of my sagittarius ascendent personality.
Regular Routines
If not daily (and other than sabbat related work), what other routines do we have to regularly incorporate witchcraft?
  • Shower spells. I don’t wash my hair every day, it’s long and thick and takes a long time to dry. So when it is a hair washing day, of course I make it a magical working.
  • Tarot. I used to do daily card pulls but I found that my life doesn’t shift that much day to day. The energy changes more like week to week.
  • Commit to one ritual working each week. If I schedule it in, I know I can make time for a longer, more ritual spell working session. By focusing on one (completely different) spell each week, I can better track how and when they manifest. I check in with my planner on Sundays and decide what I need in my life and match that to either what’s in retrograde, what the moon phase is, any important holidays, or otherwise just the right day of the week.
Making Space (and the Mindset) to Practice
Another question we got is how do we define our practice space, if we have one? Do we light a candle or incense or otherwise mark it in some way to ‘turn it on’?

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