The Skeptical Shaman, Rachel White

The Skeptical Shaman, Rachel White


Find Rachel:
Rachel White is The Skeptical Shaman. Here for the spiritually homeless, Rachel blends real-world pragmatism, her sense of humor, and ancient tools and techniques into her practice as a trained shaman, medium, energy practitioner, self-published author, and flower essence maker.
Rachel spent two decades in high-level corporate roles (the last of which was Head of Innovation for a global, publicly-traded corporate real estate firm), building TOTEM off the side of her desk while working full time. Because of this, TOTEM helps clients focus on tangible ROI and actionable insights through the lens of shamanism, Tarot, and spirituality. Rachel has also recently self-published the TOTEM Tarot Deck on Amazon, a pure expression of her life-long love of Tarot and spirituality.

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