- Hauntings of land and buildings vs
- Death in the location, disturbing the location
- Spirits stick around if they died suddenly or traumatically, or some just really like the space
- Hauntings of objects and people
- Disturbing the object spirit has clung to
- A new object was brought in, usually second hand/antique items, sentimental spirits attached
- Attach to a person because they have a lot of bottled up emotions, or a loved one died, or didn’t finish a spell or ritual
Are You Being Haunted?
Check for mundane (but potentially deadly) causes first:
- Carbon monoxide poisoning/gas leak
- Rodent/insect infestation
- Mold contamination
- Heavy metal toxicity
- Psychiatric issues
- Sleep paralysis
Now what?
- Determine your own spirit tolerance and make sure the spirit isn’t aggressive
- Use divination to figure out why the spirit is there and have a conversation to resolve any issues. If that doesn’t work, try setting ground rules, like a roommate contract
- Take magical action to get the spirit to leave
- Light magical action
- Light cleansing followed by light warding
- Medium magical action
- Heavy Duty Cleansing Floor Wash - Boil 1/4 cup of salt with a handful of Solomon’s Seal root in water for nine minutes
- Candle Banishing
- Heavy magical action
- strongest forms of warding, banishing, and spells designed to trap or imprison the spirit
Ouija Board Safety - https://youtu.be/HKqhU7htg9k
Banishing Spells - https://www.unseenseraph.com/blog/simple-banishing-methods/
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