Building a Spell + Spells for Beginners

Building a Spell + Spells for Beginners

- A spell is manifesting an intent, bringing something about through the use of energy. Completely unique to the witch casting them, so follow your own intuition.
- Intention, everything else comes from that
  • What do you want and why? What kind of magic is it - prosperity, love, health?
- What kind of spell style do you want to perform? What’s the timeline?
  • After intention, you really don’t NEED anything!
  • Candles, jars, bags, etc.
  • Different elements are associated with different intentions
  • Consider your path, traditions
- Add tools and correspondences
  • Work with what you have
  • Herbs, crystals, sigils, colors, tarot cards
  • What is calling to you? Look up why
- Timing the spell
  • Days of the week, moon phase, time of day, zodiac signs
- Do you need assistance? Deity, ancestor?
- Plan your time and space
  • Avoid interruptions if possible, gather supplies, clean the space, cast a circle, center and ground
- Set that intention every step of the way
  • Visual, verbal, art, etc.
  • Raise energy and direct it into the spell
- Spend some time with it
- Close the spell in some way and release it, ground again
- Write things down
- Take mundane steps
- Spells for beginners:
  • Cleansing yourself and your energy shower spell
  • New moon manifesting/full moon gratitude
  • Home protection stovetop potpourri or candle
  • Sleep aid charm bag


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