Timing Your Spellwork
Magical Timings
Line up a spell with a specific magical time: adds another layer of correspondence, but it’s not a requirement
Lots of options, can use any one or combination of these:
1. Sabbats, Wheel of the Year
- Reflects a growing cycle and what’s going on in the natural world
- Liminal times: Beltane and Samhain
- Can also use other holidays or important days/seasons to you
2. Lunar Timing via the moon phases throughout the month
- New Moon: new beginnings, set an intention
- Waxing Moon: growing, moving forward, rising energy
- Full Moon: power, celebration, lots of energy
- Waning Moon: removing things, banishing, let things go
- Special moons like blue moon, black moon, eclipses
- Moons have different energies based on what zodiac sign they are in. New moon is always the same as the sun and full moon is exact opposite
- Tides
-High Tide: attraction, prosperity spells, brings things towards you
-Low Tide: removes things, takes away, remove obstacles or negative feelings
- King Tide: very high or low tides, so just more emphasized, similar to a blue moon
3. Solar Timing
- Months:
- January: protection, prosperity
- February: healing, atonement
- March: achievement, introspection
- April: luck, happiness
- May: earth magic, health
- June: love, romance, luck
- July: leadership, joy
- August: balance, creativity
- September: spirituality, communication
- October: transitions, bravery
- November: compassion, patience
- December: insight, wisdom, faith
-Astrology, what sign the sun is in:
- Aries motivation, breaking old habits
- Taurus: love, sensuality
- Gemini: possibilities, magical learning
- Cancer: hearth and home, emotions
- Leo: enthusiasm, energy, ambition
- Virgo: health, improving, focus
- Libra: harmony, balance
- Scorpio: discovery, secrets, getting to the truth
- Sagittarius: travel, luck, opportunity
- Capricorn: hard work, organization, planning
- Aquarius: originality, humanitarianism
- Pisces: astral work, dream magic, psychic ability
4. Planetary Timing: 5 planets plus the sun and moon, since this is a historical definition. Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn
- Moon: dreams, divination
- Sun: joy, success
- Mercury: communication, travel
- Venus: beauty, fertility, love
- Mars: power, strength
- Jupiter: fortune, luck
- Saturn: self disciple, boundaries, protection
-Days of the Week
- Monday: Moon
- Tuesday: Mars
- Wednesday: Mercury
- Thursday: Jupiter
- Friday: Venus
- Saturday: Saturn
- Sunday: Sun
-Hours of the Day
-Time of Day
- Dawn: new beginnings, creativity
- Sunset: completion, requesting help on difficult things
- Midday: confidence, strength, peak sun/masculine energy
- Midnight: witching hour, astral travel, dreams, rest, moon energy
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