The Magic of May

The Magic of May


  • Zodiac Signs + Correspondences:

    • Crystals: agate, emerald, carnelian

    • Animals: beaver, cow, elk

    • Flowers: lily of the valley

    • Deities: Aphrodite, Dionysus, Gaia, Horus, Osiris

  • The sun is in Taurus until May 20. Taurus is a fixed earth sign.

  • Moon Phases

    • May 1: fourth quarter moon in Aquarius

    • May 7: new moon in Taurus

    • May 23: full moon in Sagittarius 

    • May 30: fourth quarter moon in Pisces

  • May 1: Beltane

  • May 9: Lemuria

  • May 12: Mother's Day

  • May 27: Memorial Day

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