The Magic of November

The Magic of November


All about the energies and magic of November plus a few November holidays to highlight.

  • Correspondences:
    • Crystals: citrine, cat’s eye, topaz
    • Animals: snake, eel, goose, raccoon 
    • Flower: chrysanthemum 
    • Deities: Pluto, Anubis, Kali, Inanna
  • The sun is in Scorpio until November 22. Scorpio is a fixed water sign.
  • Moon Phases
    • November 1: new moon in Scorpio
    • November 9: second quarter moon in Aquarius
    • November 15: full moon in Taurus
    • November 22: fourth quarter moon in Virgo
  • November Ancient Holidays:
    • The Festival of Ceres (November 1): held in early November, was dedicated to Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility.
    • The Roman Festival of Compitalia: a festival held in November dedicated to the Lares, the spirits of the ancestors and guardians of the home and fields.The Festival of the Dead (Nebra): celebrated by the Gauls and other Celtic tribes in late October or early November, dedicated to honoring deceased ancestors and included rituals and feasts to ensure the protection and favor of the spirits of the dead.
    • The Feast of Neptunalia (Early November): a festival dedicated to Neptune, the Roman god of the sea and water. It was celebrated in early November.
    • The Festival of Saturnalia: a major Roman festival held in mid-November to honor Saturn, the god of agriculture and time. Although Saturnalia was primarily celebrated in December, its influence and some of its preparations began in November. The festival involved feasting, gift-giving, and role reversals, reflecting themes of liberation and abundance.
  • Modern Holidays:
    • All Saints' Day (November 1): a Christian holiday dedicated to honoring all saints, known and unknown. It follows All Hallows' Eve (Halloween) and is observed by many Christian denominations.
    • All Souls' Day (November 2): a day set aside to honor and pray for the souls of deceased loved ones who are believed to be in purgatory.
    • Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) (November 1-2): a Mexican holiday that honors deceased loved ones and celebrates their lives. It overlaps with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.
    • Veterans Day (November 11): a U.S. holiday that honors military veterans who have served in the armed forces.
    • Thanksgiving (Fourth Thursday in November): a major American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, focusing on giving thanks for the harvest and blessings of the past year.

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